• MLS: 417965#MLS
  • View: InlandView
  • Acres: 0.24Acres
One of the prime lots on thepicturesque side of the development, overlooking animmaculatelandscaped area and twolarge pondsthat are planned. This is a well located, smalldevelopment siteof only 12 lots in a pristine area of Lower Valley. Private and tranquillocation, justoff ofShamrock Roadin a quiet area. You feel like you are living out in the country, butreally only20 to30 minutes from George Town. These lots areabout 10 miles from George Town andonlya few miles from the67 acre Mandarin Oriental development site, which starts construction this year.There areplans for the East-WestArterialroadto benearby,furtherimproving accessinto George Town. Lower Valley isstartingto developat a faster pace, due to thegood values here. Over the next several years, it will havemadegoodsense to buy in early at thesecurrent lower land prices.Thislocation will only keep getting better!Don’t missbuyinginnow to get a good investmentto developa homeortoholditfor future use.

Pasture Drive, Lower Valley, Cayman Islands